Home專業討論區專業討論 技術&流行any suggestion???
技術&流行 討論板    經營管理 討論板
  • any suggestion???
  • 2006-11-23 22:21 點閱數:681(2017/12/31止) 張貼人:LKY

    hai ....
    i`m LKY from Malaysia... i would like to learn more or work at taiwan salon... but i know nothing about the rule and regulation...ayone of u got any suggestion ???

    i already have 2 year exp at singapore and malaysia ... but maybe i`m not lucky enough... after this 2 year i still learn nothing...i really want to upgrade my own skill....so pls help me

    if anyone can help me pls leave me a message or contact no...easy for me to know or understand more...

    thankz alot truely from bottom of my heart...

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