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打敗不景氣!讓業績逆勢成長!日期: 2009-11-27    類別: 行銷與服務

Growing your business in today’s market

-by Robert Cromeans      翻譯/Ling 

When the economy takes one step backwards, we as modern day salon owners must take two steps forward. Now is the time to really strategize how we can make the biggest impact in our salons and our culture while times are a little thinner.

Align Your Team
One thing that I’ve learned as a salon owner is, if the team is truly going to get behind something, they have to be involved. After I invented the Wash House, I went to my Vegas salon team and told them what I visualized for new services at the sink. They came up with the incredible Wash House Menu that many salons are using today. Last year, my Vegas operation celebrated $150,000 in increased revenue from the Wash House Menu items alone. People support what they help to create—it’s in your favor to ask for and listen to your salon team’s input.


Be a Visionary
My salons have done a wonderful job with the Wash House, but that doesn’t mean I’m satisfied. I’m a visionary—I want it to go further. Ask your team, “What’s working? What created that success? What can we do to add even more wow?” Give your team the opportunity to come up with ideas to create the ultimate salon experience. Brainstorm creative ways to do things that most salons take for granted.


Celebrate One Guest at a Time
Now more than ever, people are looking for tremendous values. It’s a great time to add on complimentary upgrades—like a Wash House treatment or ritual—just to show your guests that you celebrate them. It’s important to provide an experience that makes guests want to come back and tell everyone they know about your salon. They will help you build something very valuable—your reputation. In any recession, that’s the name of the game.


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從1988年甫成立的兩人公司,到現今的60餘人團隊組織,肯邦由最初的代理型態出發,逐步拓點佈線,除了台北總公司之外,還增設了香港分公司,並在台北、台中、高雄成立消費者服務中心,也進軍大陸市場,從上海出發,並逐步拓展大陸專業美髮市場。我們在致力於美髮專業領域的深耕外,並藉由wow沙龍及wow store直接面對消費者,加強雙方的連繫與服務。並以此為基礎,將消費者的需求、新型態沙龍經營的Know How分享給美髮行業的朋友;讓肯邦扮演沙龍與消費者間最有效的溝通橋樑。

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